Student Health and Wellness at the Regional Campuses
Mental Health
While college is meant to be an opportunity for personal and academic development, it is not without its challenges. Many college students face stressors that can negatively impact their academic performance, mental health, and overall well-being. Student Health and Wellness (SHaW) provides a safe, confidential space for students to speak with a licensed mental health clinician. Assessment services offered may lead to brief therapeutic interventions on campus, connections to campus resources, or options for being connected to outside services. All meetings with SHaW clinicians are confidential and in accordance with Connecticut state privacy laws. Students should be aware that information and records shared with SHaW clinicians are not available to individuals or agencies, either on or off campus, without a student’s specific written permission.
Medical Care
Campus Wellness
Regional Wellness on each campus is intentionally cultivated through collaborations with students, campus leaders, staff and faculty. Through interpersonal, intrapersonal and community based approaches, wellbeing is supported through evidence-informed practices including harm reduction, health promotion and direct services.
For collaborations or questions, please reach out to the Program Director for Regional Wellness, Joleen Nevers, at
• Free and confidential appointments
• Walk-in hours
• Individual assessments
• Educational materials
• Crisis intervention
• Brief therapeutic intervention
• Wellness Workshops
• Case Management – Coordinating care for students who want/need ongoing therapy or a higher level of care
• Referrals to community providers and services
• Mental Health and Wellness Outreach
• Telehealth Capability
Regional Campus Students Living at Storrs:
The programs and services shown here are open to all Regional Campus students.
Regional Campus students who live in Storrs Campus housing may also use the SHaW services and programs on the Storrs Campus.